Turkana language

Spoken in Kenya
Region Northwest Kenya, west of Lake Turkana
Native speakers 340,000  (date missing)
Language family
Language codes
ISO 639-3 tuv

Turkana is the language of the Turkana people of Kenya, numbering about 340,000.

It is one of the Eastern Nilotic languages, and is closely related to Karamojong, Jie and Teso of Uganda, to Toposa spoken in the extreme southeast of Sudan, and to Nyangatom in the Sudan/Ethiopia Omo valley borderland; these languages together form the cluster of Teso–Turkana languages.

The collective group name for these related group is Ateker.

Selected Vocabulary

English Turkana
singular form
plural form
face ereet ngiReetin
body akwaan ngaWat
clothes eworu ngiWorui
food akimuj ngaMuja
tobacco etaba ngiTab
goat akine ngaKinei
cattle aite ngaAtuk
donkey esikiria ngiSikiria
camel ekaal ngiKaala
water (no sing.) ngaKipi


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